
We treat for carpenter bees, carpenter ants and termites just to name a few during the spring months.

beeCarpenter Bees / Ants
While carpenter bees and carpenter ants resemble other types of bees and ants, their nesting habits are quite different. Because they tunnel into wood to lay their eggs, they can cause significant damage to homes and property.

Every year, subterranean termites cause $5 billion in damage in the United States alone. And unless you happen to in Alaska, your home stands a very real chance of becoming a part of that statistic. Once termites have found their way into your home, their colonies can multiply quickly, leading to extensive property damage if the problem isn’t controlled.

Squirrels, raccoons, bats, and other wildlife are usually quite content to nest and live outdoors. But at times, the shelter and warmth of a nice, dark attic or garage makes too tempting an alternative to resist. Unfortunately, they maintain their destructive outdoor nesting, breeding and living habits inside your home too.


We treat for mosquitoes, ticks and stinging insects just to name a few during the summer months.

Aside from carpenter ants, most species of ants will not cause significant property damage. But their huge colonies (with as many as millions of inhabitants) and voracious appetites make them a disruptive and hard to control nuisance.

The annoying itchiness of a mosquito bite is nothing compared to the far more serious threats of the many diseases they can spread – Malaria, Encephalities and West Nile virus to name just a few.

stingStinging Insects
Most of us have had the unpleasant experience of being stung by a bee, wasp or other stinging insect at some time in our lives. These stings not only cause the painful local reactions we’re all familiar with, but can also cause far more serious, and ever fatal allergic reactions in some people.

Ticks, which prefer to live in woods, tall grass, weeds and brush, will quickly attach themselves to passing humans and pets. They can transmit Lyme disease, which is now recognized as the number one insect-spread disease in the United States.


We treat for Rodents, Spiders and Wildlife just to name a few during the fall.

Rodents can multiply alarmingly quickly in the cozy confines of you home. They can spread a variety of diseases, including Hantavirus and Salmonellosis (a type of food poisoning).

There are over 3,500 species of spiders in the United States. Many are quite harmless and fall into the category of nuisance pests. Others, however, can deliver poisonous bites that range from irritating the potentially fatal.

Squirrels, raccoons, bats, and other wildlife are usually quite content to nest and live outdoors. But at times, the shelter and warmth of a nice, dark attic or garage makes too tempting an alternative to resist. Unfortunately, they maintain their destructive outdoor nesting, breeding and living habits inside your home too.


We treat for Cockroaches during the winter months.

Cockroaches are disturbingly prolific breeders and can have up to 350,000 offspring. Cockroaches have a lenghty history of spreading diseases, and recently their allergens were named one of the leading triggers of asthma attacks in children.

mothIndian Meal Moth
The Indian meal moth is one of several moths that live on and in stored food. Like the cockroach, the result is contaminated, devoured, and destroyed product.